Learn to Network Better
Networking is one of those key business skills that everyone needs to master to get ahead in any situation. When consultants start with Atlas Promotions, they get plenty of resources and practice to help them feel comfortable networking with just about anyone. Networking is critical to success in our industry, so our consultants get plenty of practice. When we teach networking, here are a few things we discuss:
• Actively Listen: When you’re talking to someone new, make a point of actively listening to what they’re saying instead of composing a response in your head or scanning the room for others. Focusing your attention makes the other person feel valued, which in turn makes them view the conversation as a positive experience.
• Use Small Talk: Small talk is often dismissed as unimportant, but it can be a really great way to build rapport with the people you meet. When our consultants are out at meetings representing Atlas Promotions, they often discuss everything from the weather to the latest sports news. Once you’ve used small talk to find that common ground, then someone is much more likely to want to connect with you in the future.
• Keep Connecting: After you’ve met someone, make a point of reaching out to them on their social media channels, sending emails, or even setting up lunch dates to keep the conversations going. Meeting someone is only the first step to adding them to your network. Keeping in touch takes time, but helps your connections stay strong.
Atlas Promotions creates an environment where consultants can learn many more business talents than just networking, so be sure to follow us on Newswire to learn more. Following us on our social media channel is a great way to join the conversation, pick up ideas to discuss with others, and gather more tips on business skills.