How to Develop Confidence as a Public Speaker
Although it doesn’t feel pleasant, nervousness is a healthy emotion. The trick is to manage it without letting it get in the way of your pursuits – such as public speaking. We frequently present on behalf of Atlas Promotions, so we’re familiar with the excessive energy that accompanies it. By applying three strategies, however, we make every speech a success.
It begins with preparation. To be as confident as possible, we first develop statements that convey the overall messages we wish to deliver. Then we develop three or four key points to act as audience takeaways. Of course, we also learn about our listeners. Gathering as much information as possible – particularly about their needs and expectations – helps us ensure their satisfaction.
Practising is the next step. Once we’ve developed our material, we rehearse our deliveries. With some other Atlas Promotions consultants to offer their feedback, we keep going until everything is just right. This includes body language, tone, inflection, and visual aids.
Our final phase of confident public speaking occurs when we arrive at our speaking locations. We head to the venues early, with plenty of time to make sure the temperature, tech tools, and lighting are up to par. We’re ready and waiting for our guests to arrive, offering warm smiles and firm handshakes.
By the time we complete these steps, we feel comfortable, capable, and ready to speak. Get more information like this by liking Atlas Promotions on Facebook.